Monday, 11 August 2014

Twickenham Track Day

Following the enormous success of last year's Twickenham Cycling Club track day at Herne Hill Veledrome  another one has been arranged for September 7th. According to the organiser KJCC riders 'made the day last year' and I have received a request to bring as many of you as possible this year!

The event, consisting of coaching and races, will again be at Herne Hill veledrome and is on from 12-5 pm. Food and drink will be available for purchase on the day. Parents are welcome to ride too!

                         Coach Hans (father to Max) leading the way in the adult race last year.

Minimum age of entry is 8 yrs. No exceptions will be made.  Entry is £3 for youth (under 16) and £5 for adults. Entry on the day is £5/£7 but there is no guarantee of spaces. Last year was extremely popular so to avoid disappointment enter online via the British Cycling website asap -